November 2016

Login to Magento w/ Social Accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)

Lets be honest, no one likes going through the process of signing up for an account on a website, and if there was a secure universal system to solve that problem we would probably all be on board.  However, that doesn’t exist and so in the meantime we need to do what we can to make the process less painful for our Magento website customers.  One way we can do so it by enabling a…

Why Load Testing Your Website is Necessary Before Peak Traffic Seasons

With the holiday season approaching fast, now is as good of a time as ever to ensure that you are ready to handle spikes in traffic.  If your website is not ready, not only will you not capitalize on the surges in traffic, but you likely won’t capitalize on anything because your website will be down.  Bottom like is that you should plan on incorporating load testing earlier rather than later to avoid costly performance issues…

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